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Technologi Motorutveckling

Ända sedan vår första motorcykelmotor 1950, har Kawasaki kontinuerligt skapat nya tekniker i våra högpresterande motorer. Idag är våra modeller fyllda med många Kawasaki tekniska funktioner som har utvecklats under vår långa historia.

ECO mode

Fuel Economy Assistance Mode är ett valbart läge som ställer om fordonets ECU till en snällare bränsleförbrukning, vilket prioriterar bränsleekonomi för att längre touringdistanser.

By pushing the handle switch, riders are able to activate the Fuel Economy Assistance Mode, switching the ECU to a leaner fuel map in which ignition timing and fuel injection prioritise fuel economy. Rather than engine response or power, this mode favours reduced fuel consumption, aiming to increase fuel economy when riding at a constant speed. When riding in areas where gasoline stands are scarce, or when cruising across the continent, being able to make the same amount of fuel last longer is a considerable benefit. Maximising the effectiveness of the Fuel Economy Assistance Mode requires a gentle use of the throttle. In the case of the 1400GTR / Concours 14, this means keeping engine rpm under 6,000 rpm, throttle under 30%, and speed under 160 km/h. Nevertheless, especially when used in conjunction with the Economical Riding Indicator, this mode can contribute to significant savings in fuel costs over long distances.