Technologi Motorutveckling

Ända sedan vår första motorcykelmotor 1950, har Kawasaki kontinuerligt skapat nya tekniker i våra högpresterande motorer. Idag är våra modeller fyllda med många Kawasaki tekniska funktioner som har utvecklats under vår långa historia.

Electronic Cruise Control

Electronic Cruise Control, farthållare möjliggör fixering av fordonets hastighet ökar touringkomforten

Electronic Cruise Control allows a desired speed (engine rpm) to be maintained with the simple press of a button. Because the rider does not have to constantly control the throttle, this system allows relaxed cruising. This reduces stress on the right hand when travelling long distances, contributing to a high level of riding comfort. Electronic Cruise Control is featured on Kawasaki's Vulcan 1700 / VN1700 Series cruisers and JET SKI ULTRA 300X and 300LX personal watercraft. These models are equipped with an Electronic Throttle Valve system, meaning the throttle valves are not actuated directly by twisting the throttle grip (or pulling the throttle lever); rather, a position sensor on the throttle grip sends a signal to the ECU, which in determines the ideal throttle position. This is how Electronic Cruise Control is able to automatically adjust engine power to maintain vehicle speed when ascending or descending grades are encountered. Without the detailed control offered by Electronic Throttle Valves, functions like Electronic Cruise Control would not be possible.